Part 3 - How Do I Walk in the Holy Spirit

Sometimes, we fall into thinking that all believers live an empowered life, hearing from God every day on every issue. We can become discouraged when this is not our experience. In reality, we are now the equivalent of the Old Testament Ark of the Covenant. The Holy Spirit does reside in us. Could it be that we are not positioning ourselves to experience God fully?  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time. 

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1. Have you ever really thought you understood the project, but you were missing one piece of the puzzle? Read 2 Peter 1:4. What is “the divine nature”? Do you feel like “a partaker of the divine nature”? Is your spiritual experience daily hearing from and walking with the Spirit? Or do you feel disappointed or like a “less than” believer, unaware of God’s work in your life?  

2. Strive for virtue. Read 2 Peter 1:5. What hope do you find in the phrase “make every effort”? How does this leave room for grace? What typical excuse does this phrase negate? Why does God ask us to position ourselves by growing in virtue? What simple definition of virtue was given?  

3. Strive for knowledge. Even the best intentions are not always enough. Even a heart that wants to follow God is not enough. What is the best way to grow in your personal knowledge of God? In what area do you need to grow in actual knowledge? If you want to hear from God, will you commit to seeking Him this week? 

4. Strive for self-control. Read 2 Peter 1:6. What would it mean for you to “make every effort to supplement your faith...with self-control"? How is “trying harder” different than “positioning better”? What three steps were given to put us in a better position to exercise self-control? 


5. Strive for worship and love. Read 2 Peter 1:7-8. How are these characteristics or attitudes a choice? Why does love trump all? What is the result of “striving” for these things?  

6. This Week: Commit to a daily self-evaluation and prayer. “At the end of the day, based on the choices I made today, who did I live for: God or myself?” Pray: “Jesus, I want to want to follow You. Help me. Amen.” 


7. Read Galatians 5:16-18, 25, Romans 8:4, and John 15:4-5. How do these verses describe walking in the Spirit? What is the relationship of the Law and righteousness (“right living) with experiencing the Spirit? What is your personal next step?  

8. Read John 14:16-17, Acts 4:31, and Ephesians 5:18. Thank God in prayer for the Holy Spirit. Seek to develop a deeper relationship with the Spirit by spending more time in prayer, in His Word, and listening for His voice. Invite Him to fill you. Prayerfully surrender to His leadership. 

9. Read John 16:13. Pray about any situations in which you need guidance from God. Ask for the Holy Spirit’s counsel. Develop the habit of approaching the Word of God by first asking the Spirit to teach you. Do the same for any philosophies or attitudes that our worldview impresses on you. Pray for discernment. 

10. Read John 16:7-8. Confess in prayer any sin that is in your life. Let the Holy Spirit convict you and change you from the inside out.