Fear of God - Part 3 - Too Close To Sin

Part 3 – Too Close to Sin

Discussion Guide

As our relationship with God changes, so does our relationship with sin. When we truly believe in Him and spend time in His holy presence our behaviors will start to change. We don’t have the ability to be close to God and happily keep on sinning. Our closeness to Him is what opens our eyes to our wrong choices and helps us to make better choices. This week we will discuss how a relationship with Christ will transform our hearts and our actions.

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.

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1. When have you tried to do something fun or relaxing but because of a bad attitude or ungratefulness it didn’t turn out as you had hoped or expected?

2. Ask yourself: Is Jesus my Lord? Read 1 John 3:4-6. Can we know God if we sin? How does our view of sin change as we grow closer to God and in maturity? What does it mean to abide in God?

3. Tell yourself: I am not the exception to God’s Word. Read 1 John 1:8. What does the Truth produce? In what ways does sin deceive, numb, and trick us?

4. Ask God to reveal my sins. Read Psalm 139:23-24. What happens when we allow God to show us the wrong things we are doing? Has God revealed anything you need to change recently? If not, why do you think He hasn’t?

5. Make the change: What will I do differently? Read 1 John 3:9. How does God abide in us? In what ways has your perspective of your own imperfect behaviors changed since becoming a believer? Consider less flashy convictions like viewing habits, venting/gossip, controlling my language, being easy to insult, my support of the poor and the foreigner, sabbath practices, loving my neighbor, respecting my parents.

6. Action Steps: What steps can you take this week to honor God from now on?


Read Psalm 139. Consider the following:

Psalm 139:1-6 Does God’s intimate knowledge of our thoughts and behaviors feel reassuring or unsettling to you? Why?

Psalm 139:7-12. Why is it pointless to try to escape God? Where are you now? Do you feel close to God or far from Him, and why?

Psalm 139:13-24. Pray Psalm 139:23-24 over yourself. If this is an uncomfortable exercise, consider why that might be and bring that to God also.