Movies at the Cove - Week 1

Discussion Guide 

What an exciting time as we dive into Movies at The Cove 2024! We kicked off our series with Guardians of the Galaxy. A group of rag tag misfits set out to gain riches while battling their own personal issues. Ultimately coming together for the greater good and learning what they needed in life was so much more. Things may look a little different over the next few weeks. Have fun with your Life Group.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1.  Maybe do an 80’s theme, watch the movie, or do fun snacks, have a meal, play a game, or click the link below and listen to the soundtrack for Guardians of the Galaxy:  

2. Read Matthew 16:26. Have you worked hard to get something or planned a big vacation, and it let you down? What is this verse trying to teach us?   

3. Read Philippians 2:3-5,8. In the movie, which character did you identify with the most? Discuss how living this verse out may cost you something.   

4. Read Ephesians 2:19. Like the characters in the movie, discuss how your group has come together to do greater things. How does this verse bring unity to the church? 

Action Step: Over the next few weeks, we have the privilege and opportunity to invite people to Movies at The Cove. As you will see we will not have a “deeper section” during this time. We can be active and grow in our faith by going out, praying for the right opportunities, share your story, and share the gospel. Hand out an invite and just say, “come and see” and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. This could change their lives forever.