Ready, Set, Invite!

Discussion Guide 

As believers, we are commissioned to “go and make disciples”. This can seem scary, but God promised to be with us. This weekend we looked at how we are here on this earth to share The Good News of Jesus through our own stories.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1. Did you pick up invite cards? Who has God placed on your heart to invite to Movies at The Cove?  

2. You are commissioned. Read Matthew 28:17-20. Are you a forgetful person? Who was Jesus calling to “go and make disciples”? Share with the group how you heard the good news?  

3. Bring the Good News. Read Romans 10:14-15. How can we share the Good News with the ones that God has put in our paths? Share a time you were pleasantly surprised with a spiritual conversation you had with someone.     

4. Read John 9:1-3, John 9:25, John 9:35-38. Consider how God can use each circumstance we deal with in life. How have you seen God use your struggles, blessings, or encounters for His Kingdom?  

Action Step: Over the next few weeks, we have the privilege and opportunity to invite people to Movies at The Cove. As you will see we will not have a “deeper section” during this time. As we can be active and grow in faith by going, shining your light, smile at someone, pray, share your story, and share the gospel.  What an easy way to hand out an invite and just say, “come and see” and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. This could change their lives forever.