REALationships - Week 4

Discussion Guide 

As believers, we often encounter challenges in our relationships. Whether with siblings, parents, children, spouses, coworkers, or others. These difficulties can leave us questioning our roles and what God expects from us in these interactions. This weekend, we concluded our series on relationships by examining the Parable of the Prodigal Son, seeking to understand how God responds to us and what lessons we can apply to our own lives.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1. Do you show more grace for certain relationships versus others?  

2. God’s love is unconditional. Read Luke 15:11-24. Did the son's behavior change the way the father felt about his son? How do you see unconditional love played out in this story?  

3. God’s love keeps seeking. Read Luke 15:17-21, 1 Corinthians 13:7. In verse 20, how do we know that the father was looking for his son's return? How did God look for you “while you were still a long way off”? How might God be calling you to rebuild a relationship?  

4.Gods love is sacrificial. Read Luke 15:22-24. In what ways did the father show sacrificial love in his actions? Is there a cost associated with sacrifice? Consider how God may be asking you to show sacrificial love to someone in your life.  


5. Read Romans 5:7-8. Compare how these two verses confirm that Jesus keeps on seeking, and His love is sacrificial. How should this reality change the way we handle our relationships?  

6.Read Ephesians 4:32. How are we to forgive others? How should we treat others? What is the motivation behind forgiving and being kind?