Fear of God - Part 4 – Intimacy with God

Part 4 – Intimacy with God 

Discussion Guide 

The thing that will change your life more than any other is an intimate relationship with God. This is not about basic belief or following a set of rules, but a deep and unique relationship with your Creator God. Let’s discuss how to pursue that! 

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1. Tell us about one unique relationship in your life, other than a spouse. 

2. Intimacy with God requires a uniqueness to our relationship with Him. Read Romans 12:1. What is the importance in living for God? How is your relationship with God different than other relationships?  

3. Pursue to know God. Read Romans 11:33-36. How do these verses describe our knowledge of God? Why must we continue to know Him more?  

4. Open myself up to God. Read Romans 12:1-2. How do we offer ourselves up to God? How can we be a holy and acceptable sacrifice? What influences should transform us?  

5. Read Romans 12:3 and Jeremiah 18:1-6. How does comparison hurt our faith? How can humility create a deeper relationship with God? What happened to the potter’s first attempt at making a vessel (see verse 4)? When your plans are changed by God, what are your first feelings? What should they be and why? Why does God have the right to shape you? 

7. Action Steps: Spend time on your knees. Pray specifically: “God, I want to know You more.” Or pray: “God, I want to want to know You more and to hunger for the mystery of You and who You are.” Humble yourself and verbally acknowledge that He is the potter, and you are the clay. 


8. Read James 1:2-4. Intimacy with God is available to us and God desires that for us. How do trials and testing of our faith create intimacy with God? 

9. Read James 4:8. What are ways that we can draw near to God? Are there ways we try and seek that intimacy that are not healthy? 

10. Read Hebrews 11:6. God is impressed with our faith, not our accomplishments. This will create closer intimacy with Him.