God Never Said That - Week 3 – God Will Never Give You More Than You Can Handle

Week 4 – God Will Never Give You More Than You Can Handle 

Discussion Guide 

This week, we will explore a few common misconceptions about this idea that “God will never give you more than you can handle.” In this life, we will still have temptations and struggles. God doesn’t promise that there won’t be a fight or that it will be an easy road. He just might give you more than you can handle—alone! But don’t despair; His plan is that you will overcome temptation when you look to Him for the way out and for His strength to take that escape. We will also look at how we can get through the hardships of this life, like illness, death, and loss. 

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1. What is a significant challenge or trial you’ve faced this year? Did you survive or thrive?  

2. Read 1 Corinthians 10:12-13. What is the first warning in this passage? How do we know that these instructions apply to us? What difficult circumstance is common to all people? What is the promise in this verse for us? Why can’t we apply the idea that “He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability” to tragedy, illness, grief, or natural disaster?  

3. Environment. People. Intake. Read Romans 7:14-18. What conflict or “war” is described and between what two forces? In what way do you understand Paul’s frustration: “I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate”? Share an example of some action that has helped you overcome: a way you have avoided bad choices by changing your environment, the people you’re with, or your media intake?  

4. Read Ephesians 3:16-19. Some of the hard things that we can’t handle in life are not temptations, but illness, grief, mental distress, and other struggles. How might this Scripture strengthen us when we are facing these overwhelming problems? What are we promised? How does knowing the depth of the love of Christ change the situation? Read Revelation 21:1-5. How does a long view of eternal life, where all things are healed and new, help us deal with today’s troubles?  

5. Action Step: Since we all deal with sin, identify a temptation you face (if you can). Take time with your Life Group to silently pray for a way out and to endure without sinning. Privately record the action you have been prompted to take. Is it a change of environment, people you connect with, or your media intake? Follow through. 


Read through these passages this week and reflect on how God never said He would not give you more than you can handle.  

6. Read Matthew 4:1-4. What happened to Jesus in the wilderness? What does this show us about temptation and humanity? What was the first sin Jesus was tempted to commit? How does He rebuff Satan? 

7. Read Matthew 4:5-7. What was the second sin Jesus was tempted to commit? What way out did He find in that situation?   

8. Read Matthew 4:8-11. What was the last sin Jesus was tempted to commit? What do you think was most tempting about this offer? How would this sin have changed our path to salvation?   

7. Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. Why does Paul say God has allowed there to be a “thorn” in his side? Why does Paul ask for it to be removed? Why wasn't the “thorn” removed? How could this encourage us in the face of our own “thorns?”