All In - Week 4 - Celebration

Week 4 - Celebration 

DIscussion Guide 

Even Solomon said in the Book of Ecclesiastes that life is full of oppression, toil, and trouble. How do we find joy and meaning? If we will learn to celebrate God’s way, we’ll find the renewed strength we need to be successful, to be refreshed. If you need to be restored, encouraged, empowered, healed, and challenged, choose to be grateful. Take time to celebrate all that God has already done for you! 

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1. What are some simple, everyday things you are thankful for? Do you take time to celebrate them?  

2. Read Psalm 92:1, 105:2, and 1 Timothy 2:8. What are some actions that show you are celebrating and worshiping God? Which of these come easily to you, or are more difficult? Read Zephaniah 3:17. What does God do in, through, over, and for us?  

3. Read 2 Chronicles 20:2-3, 14-18, 21-22. When the people of God faced a great threat, what did they do? How did God respond? What did He command them to do? How did they show their faith? Why is gratitude so important in our praise? 

4. Read Psalm 92:2, 1 Chronicles 16:8, 16:24, and Psalm 40:10. What one thing can you do – alone, in your personal life – that will bring glory to God? How will this bless your life? Others lives?  

5. Action Step: Would you commit to celebrating God through resting with Him on the Sabbath? Maybe a special meal or time with your family? Maybe with a “no-tech Sunday”? Is there a song you could download and sing this week daily, intentionally? Could you enjoy good food with family and friends to celebrate the great things God has done and all He has provided for you?  


As Joshua, Moses’ successor, led the people into the promised land, it was a time of great joy, but also fear. When there is fear, there is a need for boldness, yet dependance on God. Study how the Israelites chose to worship, honor, and celebrate God and all He had done for them.  

6. Read Joshua 3:1-4. Why did the Israelite officers tell the people to stand such a great distance (about 3,000 feet) behind the Ark? Are there any aspects of your life in which you are trying to get ahead of God? What would it look like to follow God’s lead/presence in that situation? Would you be at a point of fear or celebration on the edge of following God into a new territory? 

7. Read Joshua 3:5, Leviticus 20:26, and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. What does it mean that we are called to be holy? How should our lives be different because we belong to God and are not our own? When have you done something God asked you to do, even though it went against your plan? Did that lead to any of the forms of celebration we discussed above: sharing what God has done, singing, praying, worshiping with others?  

8. Read Joshua 3:13, 15-17. Why was the manner that Israel entered the Promised Land so significant? What did their stepping into the river, while God held back the waters, represent? Where do you need to step out and trust God’s promises?  

9. Read Joshua 4:2-7. What did the stones symbolize? What is a victory God has won for you, and how do you remember and celebrate it? How will this help you overcome the "rivers" in your future?