Tell Me Lies - Part 1 – God Can't Use Me

Part 1 – God Can't Use Me 

Discussion Guide  

Is it a lie that “I’m not enough”? Well, partially. But the truth does not end with our sinfulness and unworthiness. God has redeemed us and has a plan for our lives. Let’s look at how He makes us righteous and uses us in His work. 

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time. 

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1. How have you decided you’re not “enough”? Maybe as a friend, spouse, coworker, or Jesus Follower? Are you past this struggle or do you still deal with it? 

2. Stop justifying. Read Romans 5:1-2. To get past the lie that God can’t use us, what must we get past? Do you freely admit you need a Savior? What should be the source of your hope and peace? How did we attain any standing we have? What emotion should this promote in us?  

3. Accept that you really aren’t “enough.” Read Romans 5:5-6. What is encouraging about these verses? How are we saved? What are you bringing to this process? Which word seems a bit harsh? How does embracing this word set you free? What part of salvation did you earn? 

4. Hang onto love. Read Romans 5:8-10. What is the difference between loving, enabling, and condoning? What is our job? How does this verse speak about this issue? Believer, what has Jesus done for you, in the midst of your own rebellion? Is there a person in your life to whom you need to reach out to and restore? Ask God how to say yes to love in this situation. 

5. Accept the free gift. Read Romans 5:15. Why is it so hard for us to accept a gift? (Think of a free lunch, an invite to dinner, an offer to babysit, or a used car.) What is the human instinct? Why doesn’t this work with salvation? 

6. God can use me. Read Romans 5:19. What is the crucial verb in this verse? Because God has made us righteous, how can He use us? What can He use? Why? What do you have to offer Him? 

7. Action Step: Read Romans 6:1-4. The tension between sin, grace, and righteousness is hard. But God has redeemed you to walk in the newness of life. What action step do you need to take this week? Would you trust Him in this new season? 


Psalm 139:1-2 says “Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I stand up; you understand my thoughts from far away.” God knows us and He cares about us. Even though we do not deserve grace, He gives it to us freely. God has given us everything we need to live a life of godliness. Let’s dive into what God’s grace to us looks like.  

8. Read John 8:36, John 1:14, Ephesians 2:10, 2 Peter 1:3, Romans 3:24, and Ephesians 4:6-7. What stood out to you the most about God’s grace for you? 

Take time to read this passage and allow God to speak to you. Jot down anything that made you stop and pause or anything that you questioned. When you are done, look for a verse that particularly spoke to you and write it out fully in your journal. 

9. Observe. What is God saying to you in these verses? What overarching theme or promise did you see? What did the specific verse (that you were drawn to) teach you?  

What do you think God is saying to you, personally and specifically, in these Scriptures? (You can even have a short prayer at this point, asking the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal Jesus to you. Remember that He promised to give us wisdom and reveal truth to us when we ask.) 

10. Application. How will you apply what God showed you through these verses? How does this encourage you in your journey so that you will live a life of both experiencing and sharing grace?  

Personalize what you have read by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, a new promise, or correction in an area of your life. Write down how this Scripture applies to you today. Remember the message in the area of enabling, condoning, and loving.  

1.1 Pray. Pray about what you read in John 8:36, John 1:14, Ephesians 2:10, 2 Peter 1:3, Romans 3:24, and Ephesians 4:6-7 above. Pray about what God reveled to you about His grace to us, asking Him to help you understand and apply it.  

This prayer can be as simple as asking God to help you use this Scripture, or even a prayer for a greater insight on what He may be revealing to you. Remember, prayer is a two-way conversation, so take time here! Be sure to listen to what God has to say! Now, write it out. Journaling your quiet time helps you to see what God is teaching you over time.