Discussion Guide
Have you ever asked yourself if there is more to this life? What happens after I die? So many times, in life we just feel something is missing. This world is so much bigger than what we can see. This week we will explore the answer to a few of these questions through the story of the rich young ruler.
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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1. Do you sometimes wonder what your purpose in life is? Have you ever been on a mission trip locally or out of the country? How did it impact your life?
2. Read Matthew 19:16-20. What is the picture we get concerning this young man's life from the scripture? What part of this story shows us that he senses that he is missing something? Have you ever felt like something was missing in your life, like the young man in this story? Why or why not?
3. Read Matthew 19:21-22, Matthew 16:24. Why do you think Jesus ask the man to sell his possessions? Consider and discuss why the man walked away sorrowful? Have you ever experienced a time when following God required sacrifice? How did you respond?
4. Read Matthew 28:16-20, Isaiah 6:8. How do these verses challenge us to go outside our comfort zone? After hearing the weekend message, will you pray and consider going or supporting a global mission trip? How can you “go and make disciples” locally?
Action Steps: Ask God to help you not just be a “follower” but a real follower of Jesus. What next steps might He be calling you to do to “go and make disciples”?