Holy Spirit - Week One - Walking in the Spirit

Discussion Guide 

In the weekend message we learned what it looks like to experience the Holy Spirit. When we are walking in the Spirit our lives will be filled with joy. Let's look at how we can experience the Holy Spirit, day by day.   

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start 

1. Share an experience where you had prior knowledge of something but then encountered it firsthand and how you felt about it. Examples: Seeing the ocean for the first time, birth of a child... 

2. Read Ephesians 5:18. What are we commanded to be filled with? How can we know what the will of the Lord is? How does being filled with the Spirit change our lives? 

3. Read Ephesians 5:19. Why is music such a significant part of experiencing the Holy Spirit? What are some practical ways to apply this verse to our everyday lives?  

4. Read Ephesians 5:20-21. How does giving thanks change our hearts? Why can it be a challenge to give thanks for everything?   

5. Action Steps: This weekend we were challenged to practice worship. At home with some praise and worship music first and on the weekends when we are together. Giving thanks, commit to writing down five things you are thankful for every time you have a negative thought this week. Serving others. Practice putting others’ needs before our own. Ask God to help us walk in the Spirit. 


6. Read Genesis 1:2, 1:26. Who do we see mentioned here right in the beginning? In verse 26 notice the word, us. What is God trying to show us? 

7. Read Acts 1:4-8. What had the Father promised them?  

8. Read Acts 2:1-4. As you read this about the coming of the Holy Spirit, how does it make you feel? What was the purpose of the Spirit allowing them to speak in other languages?