Kimberly Lawrence
Today's Scripture: “Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.” Romans 13:7, ESV
Theme: Be a good citizen. Following Jesus isn’t necessarily glamorous, but instead faithful.
In Romans 13:7, Paul offers clear guidance on how to conduct ourselves in daily life, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling our obligations. The theme of his advice goes beyond merely complying with laws; it reflects a heart committed to integrity and respect, honoring God by honoring others. Paying taxes and being respectful may seem like mundane or even obvious duties, yet Paul is making a point about a greater purpose. We are to do these things, not to earn salvation through good behavior, but because of who we serve. In doing so, we reflect God in our attitude and actions.
You may be familiar with the TV show that launched in 2003, “Dirty Jobs,” with Mike Rowe. The concept was that Mike would spend a day as an apprentice to people who performed dangerous or disgusting jobs, working hard to complete every task despite difficult, uncomfortable, or disgusting circumstances such as sheep breeder, sewer inspector and dairy farmer. The jobs in his episodes were some most of us would never choose for ourselves. And, while they were usually low in esteem, overlooked, and certainly lacking in glamour, they were often essential, supporting our daily comfort and sustainability. We take for granted that these unpleasant tasks are just “done” for us without having to get our own hands dirty. Jesus did His version of “dirty jobs” 2,000 years ago. He demonstrated servant leadership and humility by washing His disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17). He laid His hands on the sick and untouchable (Matthew 8:1-4). He ministered to the outcasts and unlovable (Luke 4:18-19, Luke 4:31-5:16).
By being a good citizen and faithfully following God’s call on us, we honor the structures and systems He has in place for order and justice in society. It’s easy to become frustrated with bureaucracy, but Paul reminds us that our compliance with these duties is not just a legal obligation but a reflection of our respect for God’s order. Obedience may be messy but is also necessary if we live like Jesus did.
Make It Personal: Let’s be willing to get our hands (and knees) dirty, praying for and serving others. Can you be counted on to do the hard and messy work? Avoid considering any task as “beneath you” and instead ask God where you can joyfully serve to glorify Him. Doing unusual or even menial things could be one of the best testimonies of your faith.
Pray: God, thank You for the abilities and gifts You have given me to serve. Help me to see opportunities to bring You glory and not filter them by what my worldly mind tells me are important or esteemed. Give me faith to understand when You’re calling me to opportunities and the willingness to be obedient. I want to serve and glorify You in all I do. Amen.
Read: Romans 13:1-7
Weekly Memory Verse: “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” Romans 12:9, ESV