Jenna Worsham

Today’s Scripture: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33, ESV

Theme: Living life God’s way means seeking Him first.


What you do “first” matters. Whether it is after a meeting, when you come home from work, when you finish school, or when you wake up, the first thing done indicates priority. Priorities might be involuntary, like going to the restroom; or voluntary, like stretching after getting out of bed, getting a glass of water, or having time with God. When I pack for a trip, what goes in first is often the most essential. I try to set aside those “must-have” items first, so they are not forgotten. If I cling to them and leave them out because I want to use them before I leave, sometimes they are left behind. In life, the thing we put first absolutely matters. Jesus has a message directly for us about what should be first in life.


The words in Matthew 6 are direct quotes from Jesus Himself, including: The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), a message about fasting (Matthew 6:16-18), reminders to “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:20a, ESV), and a section to help ease anxiety (Matthew 6:25-34). God is aware of our needs: food, clothes, and shelter. Not only did He create us with those needs, but when He spoke about them in today’s Scripture, He was literally living in a human body with the same limitations and needs. He knows and fully experienced exactly the dependence He is talking about.


“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33, ESV). Seek first, run after, put it on the top of your list, prioritize it, don’t forget, if you only do one thing, the main thing is... the kingdom of God. God knows we need safety, food, shelter, and clothing. Those are all basic needs, and yet seeking God’s kingdom should be first according to Jesus. Our anxiety stems from worrying about many things. How often is our anxiety because we have failed to place God first? I’ve often wanted to ask God the secret to a good life. How do I know I haven’t missed the big purpose for my existence? I’m learning that there is no secret, and the answer is the same for everyone: “Seek God first.” That’s life God’s way. Every other thing—from basic needs to big dreams—will be added as well when we truly and authentically obey Him and seek Him – first.

Make It Personal: On a scale of one to ten (one being “Daily seeking God first” and ten being “Seeking God never or less than once per year”), where would you say you are today? It’s all right not to have it figured out. I’m certainly not a “one” – although that’s my lifetime goal. Without judgement of yourself or others, consider one small step you could take today towards placing God first. Even if you didn’t start strong today, how can you reorient the rest of your day to prioritize seeking God’s kingdom? Do that and then pay attention to how other things fall into place or seem small in comparison.

Pray: Dear God, I’m sorry for the times I make You second, third, or even last based on my actions. I see that Jesus spent the first moments of His day with You and how that put him in the best position to follow Your callings. I acknowledge the direction to seek You first. It is what is best for me, and I want to improve. Help me to take the next right step. Thank You for gently leading and reminding me. Thank You for Your grace and the opportunity to try again today and tomorrow. You are so faithful. Even when I miss the mark, You never falter. I relinquish control of every “important” thing I’m clinging to today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Read: Matthew 6:16-34; Matthew 20:16; Psalm 63:1; Exodus 20:3

Weekly Memory Verse: “For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.” I John 2:16, ESV