Kimberly Lawrence 

Today's Scripture: “God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, ‘You must remove the evil person from among you.’” 1 Corinthians 5:13, NLT  

Theme: Refrain from judging or disassociating from unbelievers. It is time to say something when your believing friends, family, or leaders remain in sin while passing off as believers in good standing.  


Suppertime conversation around the table has always been one of my favorite times to enjoy with my family. We’ve had some of the most in-depth and authentic discussions during this time together. My husband and I have tried to create an atmosphere of trust, where our kids can speak freely about whatever is on their minds.  

One night, we asked our kids where they thought we, as parents, could do better. Be careful what you ask for! My daughter said, without hesitation, “Mom, you could be less judgy” and my son immediately followed with, “Yeah, definitely!” YIKES! A crushing blow to my ego. After they spilled out a few examples, it was easy to see how right they were. Though difficult to hear and acknowledge, I needed that brutal honesty to see that my current behaviors were not consistent with my values and beliefs. Change was needed. 


There might be a tendency to minimize the sin in our own lives or that of our fellow believers because we think we all have good intentions. Perhaps we excuse or discount certain behaviors as just a “little sin” when we know there is a good heart behind them. However, we measure those who have yet to know God against a standard they have never heard of. It’s time to flip the script! We must be cautious in judging and patient in teaching seekers or “not-yet believers.” Our call is to help them know God so that they may also mature and experience the fullness of Christ. For those who already call Jesus their Savior, Scripture instructs us to help draw them back, with loving counsel, when they stray, not to excuse or ignore destructive behavior. 


Speaking the truth in love might be a lot easier than hearing the truth without defensiveness. When my kids called me out for judging others, my first reaction was to make excuses and justify my actions. I thought, “That wasn’t my intent so they surely misunderstood!” It was tough to accept their feedback…even if it was the truth. If I want to continue growing in my relationship with Christ, I must be willing to not only accept but solicit wise counsel from trusted friends. Proverbs 27:17 compares how two pieces of iron can sharpen each other, just as two people can help one another remain accountable, encourage each other to live out their faith, and grow in their relationships with Christ.  

Make It Personal: There are two roles Christ followers must be willing to play, depending on the circumstance. The first is as counselor and the second is as the counseled. Are you willing to have difficult conversations with fellow believers who may be deviating from the path of righteousness? Is your guidance rooted in biblical principles, spoken with sincerity and love? At the same time, when a trusted friend comes to you with a message that might be tough to hear, will you listen with an open heart and without immediate rebuttal? Do you surround yourself with people who are willing to guide you and in whom you trust? Are you willing to proactively solicit advice on challenging situations from a faithful friend?  

Pray: Father, I know I am not perfect and thank You that Your Son is. I pray You will put wise counselors in my path who will continually guide me to You. Please give them the confidence to come to me when necessary and help me to hear them without defensiveness. I love You and want to serve You better each day. Amen.  

Read: Ephesians 4:14-32; Proverbs 27:17 

Weekly Memory Verse: “God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:17, NLT