Jenna Worsham
Today’s Scripture: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2, ESV
Theme: Prayer is our priority when relating to all people. Pray specifically for your leaders: national, state, municipal, occupational, team, church, and Life Group.
“First of all,” today’s verse reminds us, pray. Before we take any other action – civic, personal, professional or practical – we are urged to pray. Petition the Lord. Intercede and thank God on behalf of “all people.” However, when we pray for all people, we can be more earnest and less general if we pray for specific, named people. As listed in today’s theme, we can pray for all people and do so by naming them specifically. Start with the most public figures and work towards the most personal ones. Use names. Or start with those closest and dearest to you and work your way out to the ones you don’t know personally. Either works. Be methodical and pray first, for two reasons. Praying first shows it is a priority. Praying first ensures we won’t get distracted and do other less valuable things.
Many of us faithfully pray for our loved ones. It is easy to pray for someone when you know their concerns, weaknesses, family history, and daily activities. As an example, you might pray for your mother, noting specific health issues. Your family may have experienced a loss or trauma that you can pray over. Maybe your child is struggling with friendships, school, or self-worth – those you can (and are welcome to) bring to God. It is also natural to express thanks for the people in your life who are a blessing. We may find it easy to thank God for a friend who brought a meal, a co-worker who listened patiently, or a spouse who picked up an extra chore to lighten the load. For people we don’t know as well, it can be more challenging to pray specifically.
Think of your leaders. Are they married? Pray for their marriage relationships, support systems, and children if they have them. Pray for their effectiveness. Pray for their relationship with God or their salvation. Pray for them to see truth, for peace in their lives, for them to be effective. Pray for unity within their staff, effective bipartisan ideas, and cooperation as they lead. As we pray, God works. He may change the things we have asked Him about and, in addition, He changes our hearts. The act of intercession and prayer awakens the power of the Holy Spirit within us and makes us more like Jesus. Let’s do this!
Make It Personal: It seems simple, yet I challenge you to make praying a priority and do it now. Pray specifically for your leaders: national, state, municipal, occupational, team, church, and Life Group. Fill in the blanks below as you pray specifically. The prayer below is to help you get started. Feel free to add details as the Holy Spirit leads you.
Pray: Dear God, I pray for my family. Especially _____, who needs Your extra care today. I pray specifically for my own Life Group leader, ______. Thank You for their effort and sacrifice to provide community for us. I pray over Pastor Will Kranz, Pastor David Porter, Pastor Josh Hassel, and Pastor Tim Beal. Thank You for their leadership and honesty. I pray You will continue to bless and guide them as they lead and direct our church. I pray for our local officials and leaders. Please bless Mayor Chris Carney as he serves this community. Help him to have wisdom and success. Please bless and guide our current president, President Joe Biden, and help him during the next weeks of transition. Maintain peace and unity in my own city, in our state, and in Washington, D.C. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Read: Matthew 26:41; Matthew 6:7; Psalm 5:1-3
Weekly Memory Verse: “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Luke 6:45, ESV