Richard Harris 

Today's Scripture: “May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6, ESV 

Theme: God provides encouragement and endurance so that you may live in unity, glorifying Him. 


As I read the verses of our Holy Book, I find words that repeat and carry forth a theme. In reading today’s verse, I noticed the command to live in harmony with one another. “One another.” When we do things together in a group relationship – interacting in a united way – we are bound in unity. Today’s Scripture encourages us to live in harmony with one another. The expression emphasizes that we bond in unity in community with other people. Romans has been commanding Christians to accept one another, be devoted to one another, instruct one another, build up one another, be like-minded, admonish, greet, honor, and the list goes on. “One another” appears more than one hundred times in the New Testament alone. And why do we see this often? Because in God’s eyes, we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually “members of one another” (Romans 12:5). As members of God’s Christian community, we unify in spirit with one another. 


Our Christian community has a priority. With our sisters and brothers in Christ, the Christian call to unity gives us our identity of one faith, one hope, one baptism, and one Father. As unfinished people, have we diligently built unity into our interactive lives? Have we accepted the responsibility to help unify? In humility and love, have you endeavored to create a true unity? Have we created a true unity with our Savior; not through avoidance or denial, but by engaging and speaking about matters of the teachings of Jesus? Unity through seasons of disagreement indicates maturity. As we enter this year’s election period, I hope to witness unity among believers at its best and not disunity at its worst. In your Christian heart, what is worth fighting for? What would Jesus do? 


Are we in harmony with God’s law? The right attitude gives us unity with others, but the right application of His laws gives us harmony. Without following God’s will through seeking harmony, we can't please God. Abiding only in His purpose – toward His ends – will place us in harmony with all of His creation. In this, we can all - one another - endure through Him and glorify Him. 

Make it Personal: Take a moment to reflect on how you are personally contributing to this harmony. Are we seeking unity – even in divisive times? Are we in harmony with God’s law? Searching for that peace comes through understanding God's holy Word. It’s an arduous process, for sure. Daily life gets in the way of reflection. Understanding the meaning and purpose of those holy words takes a lot of research, as we build our knowledge from the ground up… built upon that One True Foundation. With one another, we can make it a good pursuit. 

Pray: Lord, I earnestly pray for the diligence and comprehension to respond to the challenges of this Christian life, as a servant to Your holy commands. Please help me to help others, in a way of love and understanding. I can do all things, Lord, through He who strengthens me, as I pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.  

Read: Romans 15:1-13 

Weekly Memory Verse: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13, ESV