Susan Murray

Today’s Scripture: “They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” I Timothy 6:18-19. ESV

Theme: Be rich in a way that lasts by serving, being generous, and doing good works for God’s kingdom.


Every person knows that when you die you cannot take your possessions with you. Everything on this planet, including our bodies, will deteriorate and then be gone. We cognitively know this and yet we live life as though it is not true. We ignore it and do our best to hold on tightly to our highly treasured things in this world. Ownership is not always a bad thing. Yet, when our hearts are tied tightly to our things it becomes an issue.


We have choices about how to spend our money and how we use our possessions, time, and talents. These are limited resources, and our choices have consequences. Our choices can be driven by faith or by fear. I can choose to put tithing as the first expenditure honoring God with my budget. Or make giving money to God and my local church an option if I have extra. I can choose to max out my credit cards, buying things like the latest iPhone even though the one I have now is perfectly fine, leaving no resources available to share. I can choose to keep everything I have for myself; or I can be generous to the church and those in need. I am free to choose, and my choices will reveal what my heart values the most - the temporary vs the eternal.


Instead let’s move toward treasuring the eternal more than the temporary. Let’s move toward giving money, possessions, time and talents to serve and advance God’s everlasting Kingdom instead of our own earthly fading kingdom. How? How can we move away from fear and bad choices toward courage and good choices? How can we loosen our tight hold on our money, time, talent and with joyful hearts be generous in every way? Consider Jesus. He left heaven and became poor so you could be rich in forgiveness and grace – eternal treasures. He is your true riches.

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” - Jim Elliott

Make It Personal: What thoughts are holding you back from giving generously? What choices contribute to your ability to give? What is your motive when you do give?

Pray: Father, I thank You for the things You have provided for me. Help me to see Jesus, the true Treasure, the true Life. When I see Jesus clearly, my heart's strong grasp on what I have releases. You help me become generous in every way – with my time, talent, money, and possessions to advance Your Kingdom. I want Your love to be the true reason I give. Amen.

Read: Matthew 6:19-21; 2 Corinthians 4:18; 8:9; 9:6-11; I John 3:16-18; 1 Peter 1:4

Weekly Memory Verse: “...for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.” 1 Timothy 6:7, ESV