Richard Harris 

Today’s Scripture: “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” Romans 11:29, ESV 

Theme: God doesn’t take back His gifts. Everyone has been or is now disobedient, yet God freely offers mercy without fail. 


We have all been given gifts from God. It starts with the gift of life. He gives us special gifts and talents that give us opportunities to live fully for Him. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23, NIV). He gave us the gift of our first breath and eternal life. It cannot be earned or purchased. It is promised us by God when we turn to Him, believe in the resurrection, confess our faith and our sins. Once received, this gift is ours to keep (irrevocable). Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so we should not boast about it. It is given to us by His grace – His promise – which He will never revoke.  


Our Lord invites us to participate in His work on earth. In our vocation, serving, among friends, at schools, public organizations, and anywhere we participate we can embrace His direction and calling in all that we do. A day of involving God, in our regular activities, is a good day. Is this not our Christian calling? 

Our callings can include creative or verbal talents, public services as leaders, mentors, benefactors, volunteers, etc. We discover these callings by walking closely with our Lord, as living sacrifices. Living out the Gospel empowers our calling. Once we accept His invitation to redemption, we will always have His calling also. Irrevocable.  

Make it Personal: He will not take back these gifts. They may lay dormant if we are disobedient, but be assured they await our return. How can we lose His salvation that was given freely, because it was not earned by our own effort or merit? It is ours to keep. Our Lord offers mercy without fail. It has taken me seventy-five years to realize that many of my God-given gifts were lying dormant and waiting to be shared in the name of our Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. His gifts and calling are available today. Thank God for His gifts and take a step to use them today! 

Pray: Almighty Father, we thank You for Your free gift of the promise of eternal life, found through our acceptance of heavenly salvation through Your Son - and our savior, Jesus Christ. We hear our callings and apply our best efforts to these callings, by walking closely with You, Lord. We praise You, Lord, for the glorious opportunities You lay at our feet every day. We ask for Your guidance, Lord, through our journey of faith. All of this, Lord, we ask, thank, praise and pray in the Name of the one who died for our sins, Christ Jesus. Amen. 

Read: Romans 11:25-36 

Weekly Memory Verse: “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9, ESV