Monday - STORMS


Susan Murray 

Today's Scripture: “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” John 6:37, ESV 

Theme: Jesus invites you to come to Himself. 


Sometimes there is chaos in my life. I get distracted many times by the difficult things that come up in life even as a Jesus follower: money stresses, disapproval of others, relationship failures, or just running late. You name it -- big or small -- I get distracted and a bit anxious. When that happens, I try to live on my own willpower, but I fail, and then I sink emotionally. 


Peter did the same thing. Sometimes he was bold and sure. But he also became anxious and fearful, like when he betrayed Jesus. Or what about the time when he thought he saw Jesus walking on the water? 

Peter was scared, just like all the others. He wasn’t sure it was Jesus, so he wanted proof. Peter said, “If it is You, tell me to come out to You.” So, Jesus did. He always welcomes us to Himself. Peter believed and stepped out of the boat, but soon he was distracted from Who he was going to by what was around him, specifically the storm. (In the Bible, “storms” refer to chaos.) 

Just yesterday, I was not wise with my time management and felt like I was going to be late for a doctor’s appointment. As I drove, I felt anxiety rise within me. My body tensed, leaning forward in the car, and my heart rate increased. At that moment, I reminded myself that I belong to Jesus, and although it’s good to be on time, my being on time was not what makes me acceptable to Him. It is the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus that makes me acceptable. I do not have to have “on-time-rightness" to be secure, loved, and wanted by Him.  

The beauty is that Peter cried out to Jesus, Who did not reject his cry for help but reached out His hand and rescued Peter. When I felt myself becoming anxious, I actively took deep slow breaths, continuing to remind myself who I am in Christ and my anxiety ebbed away.  


What are the storms in your life? When do you need to cry out to Jesus for rescue? Being Jesus followers is not about having our acts all together. It’s about calling out for the only One who can rescue us and keep us from sinking in the storms of life.  

Make It Personal: Today, when storms arise, call to Jesus in your fear and anxiety. He is there and He won’t reject you when your faith is weak. Remember, it’s not how good your faith is but that the faith you do have is in Him. It’s that your faith is not determined by your circumstance nor your own performance to save you. Jesus is there for you.  

Pray: Father, You are the Creator and Master of this world. You know everything about me, and You love me. You know I want to follow You. Yet I forget You in the storm and try to make my life work on my own. When I sink, Father, You are my Rescue, rescue only possible because Jesus was not rescued from the cross. Jesus, You are my Savior and I praise You. Amen. 

Read: Matthew 11:28-30; Ephesians 3:14-20; Ephesians 2:8-9 

Memory Verse of the Week: “And Peter answered him, ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’ He said, ‘Come.’ So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus.” Matthew 14:28-29, ESV